If you’ve been working on your origami cats to the point of mastering the art, then you’d be pretty justified in considering yourself more than capable of picking out a paper folded feline in a line up of, well, actual cats.
So let’s put your skills to the test. In the puzzle below, there’s an origami cat hiding amongst the “real” (ok, cartoon, but you know what we mean) cats.
Can you spot it? And how quickly?
We put our team and some friends to the test and it’s probably kind to say that most of them should stick to the paper folding. For most it was 20 to 30 seconds, for others it was over a minute and for one it was giving up after a tantrum!
However, we weren’t all that bad. The record ar Origami HQ was a phenomenally fast 6 seconds. Those are some cat-like reactions!
So check out the puzzle yourself and get your timer started!

So, did you find it? Did you? And how long did it take?
If you’ve managed to spot it in less than 6 seconds you can consider yourself the ultimate origami cat-spotting champion of the universe and treat yourself to a pat on the back!
And if you gave up, well, don’t worry. The answer is below!
Keep scrolling if you want the spoiler.
Keep scrolling!
Just a little bit more.
Ok, here you go! The solution for those of you couldn’t find the folded feline yourself: